I had no idea that the great HAYAO MIYAZAKI produced a book in 1980 called MONONOKE HIME. It's a beautiful fable and one can't help but wonder why it wasn't made into a movie..
It's done entirely in loose an vibrant watercolor paintings...bold, elegant and beautiful...
One can certainly see elements of both MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO and PRINCESS MONONOKE percolating here, but it is a wildy different story...
wow!! great find! thanks for pointing this out. :)
Thanks a lot for pointing out the 1980 Mononoke book/image boards from The Ghibli Blog. I have more Miyazaki comics on the blog, and hopefully in the near future I'll be able to upload everything in my current collection.
Thanks again and best wishes!
the ghibli blog
I have a question about your Story boarding DVD... First off I love it, what a great way to do storyboards. My question is this. After you are done with all of the work, how do you render out the layer comps and create a batch of files? I wish I could have seen how you create the final product to give to the editors... is there away you could create a Youtube video to help out? Thank you so much. Once again the DVD was great!
hey Randall-
once you are happy with the Layer sequence and are ready to run your Layer Comps, go to FILE>SCRIPTS>Layer Comps To Files...then you'll get a window where you can designate your Naming Convention and File Type. Happy StoryBoarding!
Thank you so much Derek.
Man, I flipped a lid when I saw this. Crazy awesome shit. Especially being that "Miyazaki Guy" haha.
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