Thursday, July 31, 2008

WALL-E Story Team-!

Here's a shot of our proud WALL-E Story Team after opening weekend...

STANDING (Left to Right: ): Ted Mathot, Kevin O Brien, Derek Thompson, Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Ronnie Del Carmen, Alex Woo, Rob Gibbs, Sabine Koch, Max Brace
SITTING (Left to Right): Jeff Pidgeon, Nate Stanton, Scott Morse, Brain Fee, Pete Sohn

photo by Debby Coleman

Conceptual Storyboarding DVD

I have a brand new DVD from the Gnomon Workshop !

This is the first in a series of DVD's about StoryBoarding that I'll be producing for them.

I have some copies available for sale, but you can also order the DVD directly from Gnomon.

More info is available at their site:


My new collection of 365 Monsters is hot off the press!

We just got back from the San Diego Comic-Con International, where the book debuted, and now I'm happy to present it here on my new Blog!

The book is 128 B&W pages, Color front and back covers, 5x8...

$15.00 ( plus $5.00 with shipping, handling and paypal fees...)

We plan to have a Paypal button/ Shopping Cart soon, but in the meantime, you can order the book via PayPal with my email:

DerekMonster is Blogging...

This is my first effort at having a DEREKMONSTER blog with regular posts....

This undertaking has been long delayed, and is a bit daunting, so bear with me as I find my footing...

I'm looking forward to showcasing new artwork as well as progress reports on my new projects ...not to mention ramblings on comics, films and, of course, MONSTERS!

here we go....