Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Little Yellow Dinosaur

I love this cool image from a Viewmaster set from 1971 called THE LITTLE YELLOW DINOSAUR...besides being awesome, it gets bonus points for showcasing the elusive Albino Pterodactyl!


Unknown said...

This brings back memories. I looked at that view master disk so many times as a kid. It was kind of scary but intriguing at the same time.
Thanks for posting an old memory.

Oh, by the way, I really love this bog...I'm going to have to spend time reading all your Godzilla factoids.

Wednesday Dessauer said...

I think this was my favourite View-Master pack as a kid. Do you have the image where he is in a field of yellow flowers with bees?

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Unknown said...

oh my god, i was fascinated by these little yellow dinosaur discs when i was a kid. and this image in special gives me a incredible sensation. the places are so dark, the vehetation and creatures so mysterious, little universes that we projected our imagination.

Sweet One said...

Oh, I remember this! Still have it, I think. One thing I want in this CG era--for The Little Yellow Dinosaur to be made into a CGI animated feature. Someone notify Pixar that it exists!